Mission Statement
TrueLDS is committed to being the most private, anonymous and secure LDS dating site on the internet. TrueLDS collects as little information about you as possible while providing the best possible online LDS dating experience.

1. What information does TrueLDS have
2. Unable to collect information.
1. What information does TrueLDS have?
• Your email address .
• Content that you submit as part of having an LDS online dating profile, including images, audio recordings, and text.
• Messages and other communications that you sent to other LDS singles on TrueLDS.
• Your real name / Identity.
• Phone numbers.
• Location data / IP address / Phone numbers / physical Addresses.
• Payment information.
• TRACK Your movements on TrueLDS.
• TRACK Your searches.
• Monitor your interactions with other members.
• Collect information from third parties about you.
• Collect information about your device trough cookies or by any other means.
• Collect passwords you use on TrueLDS.
• Share, Sell or rent your information to third parties: What you put on TrueLDS, stays on TrueLDS.
What information does TrueLDS store?
Since TrueLDS is an online dating site for LDS singles., you will share personal information with other members. If you complete an online dating profile, you might share pictures, locations, interests, etc. with other members. You understand that this material will be available to other members on TrueLDS. By being a member of TrueLDS, you agree to the use and disclosure of your personal Information through your online dating dating profile. We counsel you to never share anything in your online dating profile that you are not comfortable with or that could reveal your identity. If you live in a small town, use a bigger nearby town to indicate your location. Do not give away specific locations in your profile or pictures. Please also see our article on online dating safety.
2.What can TrueLDS see?

Your e-mail address, your profile information, messages and gifts that you send and receive, members that you have added to your friends list, video and audio clips that you post. TrueLDS can, however, not personally identify you by this information.
The password you use on TrueLDS is encrypted and not visible to TrueLDS. Your password cannot be retrieved and needs to be reset in case it gets lost. Please use a password that is exclusive to TrueLDS.
You access TrueLDS through its own secure firewall and proxy. TrueLDS is, therefore, unable to collect IPs or any information that could uniquely identify you, your location or your device.
3. My Matches.
TrueLDS can send you e-mails with potential matches, these e-mails are based are on how you filled out the ‘my matches’ form when you registered. And not on TrueLDS tracking and analyzing your online behavior. TrueLDS simply does not track and or analyze your online behavior. Click here to change your mail preferences.
4. Cookies.

Cookies are small files stored by your browser on your device. The cookies that TrueLDS places enhance your experience on TrueLDS. TrueLDS does not use tracking cookies or pixels for information gathering purposes; TrueLDS does not in any way shape or form collect information about you, your device, browsing behavior or location.
TrueLDS uses:
• Technical Cookies.
cookies necessary for the provision of this online dating service. These
include preference cookies, session cookies, etc.
• Statistical Cookies.
(anonymized) third-party cookies (e.g. Google Analytics)For more information about cookies visit allaboutcookies.org and Wikipedia.
5. Deleting your information.
TrueLDS may hold on to your profile, e-mail address and messages for up to 90 days after you delete your online dating account. This is to fight spam and resolve disputes. After this, your information will be deleted and is in no way retrievable. You must login to your profile in order to delete your profile. Click here to terminate your profile.
6.Storing your information.

TrueLDS is based in the UK and USA and stores and processes user information on servers within the USA. The data protection laws in the USA are not as strict as in Europe, USA law enforcement might access your personal information. Other than your e-mail, profile information and messages, TrueLDS does not hold any information on you.
Payment partner.
TrueLDS uses CcBill to process payments. CcBill is one of the largest payments processors within online dating industry. Your payment information is stored safely with CcBill. For more information, please visit CcBill’s Website: CcBill.com.com.
TrueLDS may revise, amend, modify or revoke this Privacy Policy at any time, and in any manner to the fullest extent permitted by law at any time without your notice.
Third parties.
The policies described in this document pertain to TrueLDS only and not to third parties. Please refer to our respective third party’s privacy policies. TrueLDS does not use third party’s solutions to track or analyze your online behavior.
Contact TrueLDS.
Please contact us, if you have any questions about this privacy policy.