
How to have a perfect first in person meeting.

How to have a perfect first in person meeting.

The first in-person meeting after dating online can be both exciting and nerve-wracking. Here are some tips to make it a positive experience: 1. It is Ok to be nervous. First dates are a little nerve wrecking for most LDS singles. Remember: your date is probably more nervous than you are. 2. Choose a comfortable location: Opt for a public place like a restaurant, or park for your first meeting. This provides a safe and relaxed environment to get to know each other better. To ensure a pleasant fi…

A spiritual journey to become more Christlike.

A spiritual journey to become more Christlike.

Becoming more Christlike is a spiritual and personal journey that involves developing qualities and characteristics that align with the teachings and example of Jesus Christ. Here are some steps and practices that may help: 1. Study the Life and Teachings of Jesus: Read the scriptures, particularly the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) in the Bible and third Nephi in the Book of Mormon to understand Jesus' life, teachings, and actions. Reflect on his compassion, love , humility, forgivenes…

LDS singles: LDS singles, Why are you still single? 5 possible causes.

LDS singles: LDS singles, Why are you still single? 5 possible causes.

For some LDS singles, being single is a difficult place, one you may feel stuck in for a long time. Here at TrueLDS, we care deeply about supporting you in finding a loving and an eternal companion who shares your faith, dreams and love. We know how you feel because we at TrueLDS used to be in the same place and some of are still single. There may be something that is keeping you from being in a meaningful relationship and while it might be difficult to see that, the truth could well be staring…

How to be flirty - for single Latter-day Saints.

How to be flirty - for single Latter-day Saints.

When it comes to flirting, the concept can seem intimidating. Even for seasoned single Latter-day Saints or those who are confident enough to easily open a conversation with someone new, the element of the unknown is significant. For those who are fresh to the LDS singles scene, even the idea of flirting can be overwhelming, let alone knowing how to be flirty. Sometimes, the word 'flirting' itself causes more problems than it solves. The term itself can seem inaccessible. It can even seem diffic…

How to build a successful online  LDS dating profile - 7 elements you need to know about!

How to build a successful online LDS dating profile - 7 elements you need to know about!

When it comes to online dating for Latter-day Saints, it can be tough to know where to start - even for the more experienced of LDS singles! We all want to put ourselves across in the best light and to attract the right person. We want to attract someone compatible that we can love fully and to be loved in return also. After all—that’s why we make an online dating profile in the first place, right? Profile paralysis can certainly be tough to navigate. We all know the feeling; we sit down at our…

LDS online dating. Important information for LDS singles using TrueLDS.

LDS online dating. Important information for LDS singles using TrueLDS.

How do I upload pictures?An LDS dating profile without pictures is as good as not having a profile: it will not attract other LDS singles.To upload a profile picture: go to your profile page and click on the camera icon in the space that is reserved for your profile picture. Or just click on this link. You may crop your profile picture by once again clicking on the camera icon and by selecting ‘edit thumbnail’. To create an album, go to the ‘my profile’ icon at the top tight of the page and sele…

LDS dating online dating Safety tips. How to stay safe whilst dating online.

LDS dating online dating Safety tips. How to stay safe whilst dating online.

“While you should be friendly with all people, select with great care those whom you wish to have close to you. They will be your safeguards in situations where you may vacillate between choices, and you in turn may save them.” President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008), “A Prophet’s Counsel and Prayer for Youth” New Era, Jan. 2001, 11. TrueLDS is a dating site for Latter-Day Saint singles. TrueLDS is one of the most secure and private dating sites on the internet, you may read more about TrueLDS'…

Online dating tip for LDS singles. How to aproach others on an LDS dating site.

Online dating tip for LDS singles. How to aproach others on an LDS dating site.

LDS online dating is a fantastic way to establish that initial contact with other single Latter-day Saints. Dating on TrueLDS can make the process of meeting your eternal companion a lot easier. Online dating can be especially satisfying for single Latter-Day Saints looking for a temple-worthy companion. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has about 16.000.000 million members worldwide. Think about it - How many of those 16.000.000 members are active? How many of those active members…

Attract other LDS singles. 7 powerful Tips for an Irresistible Online LDS Dating Profile.

Attract other LDS singles. 7 powerful Tips for an Irresistible Online LDS Dating Profile.

LDS online dating, an introduction. Online dating is more mainstream than ever among LDS singles. A successful date starts with a good online dating profile. The key to getting in contact with other single Mormons online is a great profile. To start, a good online dating profile should be complete with pictures. Fact, LDS online dating profiles without pictures and text get almost zero attention. As a matter of fact, TrueLDS purges profiles that are incomplete, but apart from having a complete o…

Send messages in way that will make other LDS singles want to respond!

Send messages in way that will make other LDS singles want to respond!

In our previous articles, we discussed a series of topics, all pertaining to the purpose of LDS online dating. One very important issue we discussed is 'the LDS online dating profile', its essence in helping you achieve your goals on LDS dating sites. Now we move on to yet another salient issue pertaining to online dating; the issue of being active participants by sending out messages. Online dating: Put your shoulder to the wheel.It is ineffective to just create an online dating profile and upl…

LDS Dating: 10 Things NOT To Say On A First Date.

LDS Dating: 10 Things NOT To Say On A First Date.

You have met an interesting person on an lds dating site and you think that you two will be an item. You are even lucky to get your first date. You prepare well for this day, dress to kill, make sure you smell good, have that catchy smile on your face and are perfectly ready for the date. Come the D-day, you make sure you are on time; actually, you arrived some minutes before the agreed time. You did not want to take chances, delaying your new catch would be a sin which you would not like to com…

Keeping The Law of Chastity as LDS Singles.

Keeping The Law of Chastity as LDS Singles.

The law of chastity which entails that LDS singles remain sexually pure and undefiled until marriage, to many in this present day it is supposedly hard and to some, impossible. Hard it is, but definitely not impossible.The purpose of dating is knowledge. Marriage is honorable, the bed undefiled is what the Bible says (Hebrews13:4). Does this imply that you are not allowed to date? Definitely, not. Marriage is necessary to reach the highest level of exaltation (D&C132). The essence of dating befo…

Dating after divorce for single Latter-day Saints.

Dating after divorce for single Latter-day Saints.

Divorce is e a tiring and emotionally draining event in the life of a person, especially for a Latter-day Saint that was married for eternity in the temple. Watching what seemed at some point in your life, the best decision you ever made and the best thing that ever happened to you, go down the drain is excruciatingly painful and depressing. Getting into the dating scene after a divorce, especially a messy one, is one tough decision an LDS divorcee has to make. As an LDS divorcee you are left un…