
Nutrioso, Arizona, United States
About Me:

CEO of "Homeless Outreach Programs, Inc., was Mrs. Claus to shelters statewide for 19 years. Raised in WI, love fishing & camping, live in mountains now. Deep into family history as consultant. Love & serve vets - Past State Pres. of VFW Auxiliary. Have quick sense of humor & honest with all I do or say. Easy to forgive when hurt if other is sorry. Not judgmental or sarcastic. No smokey, no drinky. True disciple of our. Saviour. A bit overweight but don't look age or weight. Don't want companion that will kick me to curb for a few extra pounds. That would be really hollow. Want to be appreciated for who I am and what I stand for. We all deserve that. Loss of hubby is recent so taking it slow and easy. Friends first please.

LDS singles I'd Like to Meet:

Would like to meet LDS man in my age group who doesn't need to wprry about how he looks, but does need to have good hygiene. Should enjoy just sitting and talking over coffee, (just kidding) He will need patience to take things slow. Should have sense of humor and hold honesty in high regard.

Church of Jesus Christ:

We can return to our heavenly home & Father if we are righteous. I studied our primary written works for a year and a half, wanted to be baptized but couldn't because I was in so much debt I had to juggle bills and could not pay tithing until about $8K was paid first. The Lord knew that was right regardless of what we teach. I had been in an accident a couple of years before this but had heard nothing from insurance except vehicle replacement. I had 3 friends pushing me and called one of them one evening to tell them what I would need to do first. Then I cried myself to sleep. The next morning I received a phone call from the other driver's insurance company. A woman said they had been subrogating with another insurance in California for quite a while, was sorry for the delay and would $8K be enough for my pain & suffering. I nearly dropped the phone. I paid bills & was baptized 2 weeks later. Matt. 25:40