
Honolulu, Hawaii, United States
About Me:

Today in the grocery store a little boy locked eyes with me and asked, "Are you a pirate?" I responded, "Arrrgh me hearty, you know wot I be a pirate!" in my best gravelly pirate voice. You should have seen his face and that of his little sister light up! It was awesome. I wasn't even dressed as a pirate but for some reason, I get that a lot. ;-)
Anyway, I am the father of 4 amazing and grown children. I am loyal, trustworthy, honest, kind, patient and a loving person. Slow to anger and quick to forgive. Seek first to understand, then to be understood. I try to live my life that way. I live in Hawaii by myself on a sailboat that I own. I have a great job as a safety manager and when this contract is over I'm hoping to move to Temecula, CA or there 'abouts'. (One of my kids lives there and wants to get a place together). I am also a self-published author and have begun writing a book series for tweens called Seven Deadly Sins of a Pirate. It's on the internet if you want to find it. As a matter of fact, I do charity events for children where I'll dress up as the books protagonist and hand out things from Captain Smew's treasure chest and play with the children, the ones that arrrr not scared. ;-)
On Halloween is the only time I dress as Cpt. Jack Sparrow, or if a POTC movie comes out, then I will. I read kids books on YouTube as Captain Smew too, for younger children. I still have so many to edit. Ugh.
Church attendance, I work over 60 hours a week and living on a boat there are things that are difficult about that life. I get to church once or twice a month. I would go more and was going all the time until I got this new job. FYI. Don't judge ;-)
Body type is between fit and average but I'll put average to be on the safe side. lol. I work out several times per week though. I like being healthy and consume a mostly vegan diet.

LDS singles I'd Like to Meet:

Find me on lds planet cuz I'm paid there and can message. This one wouldn't take my card for some reason. Their loss. Lol.
I'd like to meet someone who is a faithful Latter-Day-Saint, intelligent, compassionate, forgiving, patient, understanding, caring, athletic, fit, or wants to get there, obeys the word of wisdom (and that includes the meat part). I don't see myself dating someone older than me. If you are upbeat, happy, cheerful and not moody, depressed, a complainer, then look me up! P.S. If you have kids at home, that's awesome. I love kids and I'm a good decent man. A good role model etc. I'll help you raise yours and support you etc. but I don't feel like I want to make another baby. Just saying.
From the section above:Other things: Army Veteran/ MI/ Linguist- Arabic & Spanish; just about anything out of doors (horses, dirt bikes, street bikes, water skiing, snow boarding, hiking, camping, rappelling, bouldering, scuba, snorkeling, volleyball, anything at all with my grand children, fishing, I used to hunt but don't anymore, could if I were starving; gardening, farming (grew up on a farm), I could keep going. I also enjoy chess and other board games. Martial arts, sailing (duh), travel and exploring other cultures. Dining out, dining in, movies out, movies in, cuddling (I'll admit it), leaving cute notes, being witty, laughing, making you laugh, reading, learning, studying, debating (not arguing), again, I could keep going. I like tons of stuff.

Church of Jesus Christ:

I was raised in the church. I really got my testimony strengthened the most when I was on my mission, in the MTC in Provo, actually. Ask me more but, yes, I love the priesthood, the church and the gospel with all my heart and soul.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.
Temple Status:
Temple Worthy 
Church Attendance:
Body type:
5' 11" 
Caucasian (white) 
Social Setting:
Home body, Better in small groups 
TV watching:
Classic Rock, Country/Western, Pop / Top 40, Rock n Roll, Seventies, Soft Rock, Soul/Rhythm and Blues 
Sense of humor:
Friendly, Clever / Quick witted, Dry / Sarcastic, Slapstick 
Political Views:
Art, Church activities, Church / Community service, Computers / Internet, Cooking, Crafts, Dancing, Dining, Family, Health / Fitness, Listening to music, Movies, Photography, Playing sports, Reading, Religion, Theater, Travel, Visiting the temple 
Home and family
Marital status:
Have kids:
Yes - but not at home 
Want (more) kids:
Living situation:
$75,000 to $99,999 
Looking For:
Professional life
College grad 
Employment status:
Executive / Management