LDS dating online dating Safety tips. How to stay safe whilst dating online.
“While you should be friendly with all people, select with great care those whom you wish to have close to you. They will be your safeguards in situations where you may vacillate between choices, and you in turn may save them.” President Gordon B. Hinckley (1910–2008), “A Prophet’s Counsel and Prayer for Youth” New Era, Jan. 2001, 11.
TrueLDS is a dating site for Latter-Day Saint singles. TrueLDS is one of the most secure and private dating sites on the internet, you may read more about TrueLDS' security features here. We block the IP addresses of known spammers, but most importantly, all profiles are checked manually by fellow members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Nevertheless, as with any LDS online dating site, we do not verify the identities of our LDS singles. Nor do we ask for our members’ temple recommends.
However, if you follow a couple of common sense practices,
you can virtually minimize any possible risks.
you can virtually minimize any possible risks.
Don’t use your real name.
Don’t give out personal information in your profile or in the first few messages! Most people would never give out personal information in a restaurant, a club, a store or even at church. Yet, when dating online, people can feel at ease and sometimes share too much.

Never use your real name in your profile or username.
Never give away any contact information in your first message. If you live in a small town, you might want to specify a nearby bigger town in your profile. Do not mention where you work, what your favorite restaurant is, what clubs you are a member of, what stake or ward you attend and what other places you frequent.
Some examples:
• Do mention that you are nurse at a large hospital. However, do not mention the name of the hospital.
• Do mention that you enjoy playing baseball on Saturdays. Just don’t mention where you play.
• Don’t mention that you are from Ophir, Utah, but instead that you are from Salt Lake City. This way, you still indicate where you are from without disclosing your exact location.

Communicate anonymously on TrueLDS until you feel ready.
Send a few messages on TrueLDS before communicating in other ways. Here on TrueLDS, you can attach pictures to messages. You can even create photo albums that are only visible to selected LDS singles.
After you feel confident, you could talk on the phone. On the phone you will be able to gauge if there is genuine interest.
What’s even better than a phone call is using video chat, where you can actually see your LDS date.
Ask for more pictures. If your date mentions that she has a few Tabby cats, ask for a picture of those cats. Ask for pictures of their kids etc. If they have traveled to Cancun; ask for pictures. If the person is genuine, they will be more than happy to share them!
LDS singles on Social Media.
Most Mormon singles will have a Facebook account. After have having chatted for a while, you might want to add the other to your account. Do their friends look like they are LDS? Do their friends comment on your LDS date’s pictures? Do their pictures confirm what they have told you?
Fellow Latter-Day Saints singles.
As a Latter-Day Saint you already have a lot in common with other LDS singles. You use certain lingo and are familiar with certain practices, that are typical to members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. You don’t want to be quizzing others, but your LDS date should be familiar with LDS lingo such as family home evening, baptism, callings, church activities, home teaching, modern day revelation, temples, callings, etc.
For most LDS Singles, being a member of the church is a large part of life, so talking about the church should come naturally.

Meeting your LDS date.
Once you feel that there is a spark and you feel safe, it is time to meet. Sure, you should verify certain basic facts about your LDS date, however, once you have established that your LDS date is for real and you are somewhat interested, it is time to meet.
Sending lots of messages and spending time on the phone will not help you really get to know your LDS date. There is simply no way of knowing what your LDS date is all about without meeting. You can learn more about your LDS date by being together for an hour than spending a whole day on the phone.
‘There is simply no way of knowing what your LDS date
is all about without meeting.’
is all about without meeting.’
It is always a good idea to spend to spend your first date in a public place, such as a sandwich shop, a restaurant, a museum, a park or even at a church activity!
Not only is it safer to meet in a public place, it also provides for a more relaxed atmosphere because you can keep the first date brief and have the opportunity to easily walk out, should you want to do so. Ending a first encounter early, when you are over for dinner at your date’s home is awkward to say the least.
LDS online dating; Red Flags.
Some clear red flags to watch out for are:
• The person lies, is vague, evasive or is generally not willing to go into any depth. Your LDS date is apprehensive about sending you pictures, or they cannot or will not add you to their Facebook. Watch if things do no match up. For example, if they say that they are from Utah but their caller ID is from New York that could be a warning sign.
• Immediately turn of communication if they ask for money or show interest in your back account or financial situation.
• Trying to get off TrueLDS too early. Some members like to send their contact details in a first message. There is not necessarily in any harm in that, but just make it clear that you prefer to exchange a few messages on here first.
• Many LDS singles on TrueLDS are looking for a temple worthy retuned missionary. However, it still pays to err on the side of caution, even if someone is a temple worthy retuned missionary. You should always pay attention when dating online, even if that person claims to be the embodiment of Peter Priesthood or Molly Mormon.

Use you common sense when meeting LDS singles and have fun!
Online dating is more mainstream than ever. Every ward seems to have at least a few couples that met online. As a matter of fact, 1 in 3 married couples in the U.S.A. have met online.
Gordon B. Hinckley said that we should ‘choose our friends with caution’ but also that ‘love is meant to be an adventure’. When dating other LDS singles, it pays to be a little cautious, however, do not let this paralyze you from taking action and having fun. Just use your common sense and rely on the Spirit when dating online and all should be fine.
TrueLDS was founded in 2014 and we thankfully have never had any serious incidents nor anything really impropriate happen on our LDS online dating site.
Link to article: LDS dating tips for women.
- Nov 22, 2019