Online dating tip for LDS singles. How to aproach others on an LDS dating site.
LDS online dating is a fantastic way to establish that initial contact with other single Latter-day Saints. Dating on TrueLDS can make the process of meeting your eternal companion a lot easier.
Online dating can be especially satisfying for single Latter-Day Saints looking for a temple-worthy companion. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints has about 16.000.000 million members worldwide. Think about it - How many of those 16.000.000 members are active? How many of those active members are English-speaking, single, of the opposite sex, and looking? Furthermore, how many live in your local area, stake, ward, or institute?
Things can sometimes look a little dismal, especially if you live outside of an area like Salt Lake City where there are lots of LDSsingles. This is where LDS online dating comes in: Online dating is an amazingly effective tool for reaching out and getting to know lots of other LDS singles. LDS singles that you might otherwise never have met.

Online dating can make some LDSsingles feel uncomfortable. You will be sharing your pictures, interests, hobbies, feelings about the Church of Jesus Christ of latter-day Saints, what you do for a living, and what not. If this is you, just take a deep breath - On TrueLDS, you are in good company. TrueLDS is full of LDS singles looking for love. And unlike your local stake dance, there is virtually no one on TrueLDS you know or who knows you. Let alone anyone you have to face in your ward the following Sunday. And here on TrueLDS, you do not even have to be good at dancing to meet lots of great LDS singles. However, there are a few things you can do to impress other LDS singles online greatly.
LDS online dating - the right expectations.
Some people become disillusioned with online dating and give up. There are 3 main things some LDS singles do that prevent their success with online dating:
1) Not having a good profile. This can either mean a profile that is incomplete or a profile that is too general, i.e. a profile that could describe anyone (see our article on profile tips).
2) Not reaching out to others. Not sending out messages to others. In short, waiting for Mr. Darcy to come by and sweep you of your feet. Sending so-called ‘one liners’ or ‘pick up lines’ also tends to be ineffective.
3) Falling head over heels in love with someone you have only met online. LDS online dating is fantastic for having quick to access to lots of like-minded LDS singles. It is amazing for making a quick determination as to whether you are compatible on a basic level. But online dating is not the way to really get to know other singles. Online dating is not and will never be a substitute for real face to face courtship.
The secret to online dating.

The secret to online dating is to approach others and say hello. Online daters with a good profile that actively approach others have umpteen times more success than online daters that do not. TrueLDS conducted a survey in which we asked members, whether they had actually gone on dates with people they had met on TrueLDS. We found that over 80% of members with complete profiles who had at least 2 pictures and had contacted at least 5 other LDS singles ended up going on more dates. So just by spending a little time on your profile and by saying hello to a few fellow LDS Singles, you have a huge chance of actually meeting someone.
The big difference between online dating and dating in the physical world is that you can approach a large number of LDSsingles in a matter of minutes.
Take action - say hello!

A first message is just a first message, nothing more. Your first message should be short and to the point. It should be light, fun, and show interest in the other person.
Show that you are interested by reading the profile. Point out things you have in common, for example:
• I see that you like German Shepherds, I used to have one when I was younger. As a matter of fact, I currently have two Labradors.
Compliment things you like.
• You mention that you served a mission in Peru… I am fascinated by Peruvian culture and have always wanted to go there.
Keep it real. Be genuine. Give a compliment and point out things you have in common! But don’t be cheesy. Be careful not to come across like you are trying to sell yourself. Ask meaningful questions, for example:
• If the profile mentions that the person likes to make pizzas, you could ask what his or her specialty is. Or if you could perhaps have a slice or two...
If the person mentions being a big fan of playing board games during family home evening, you could ask what kinds of board games and even suggest bringing some along yourself!
Keep it short. Your message is just to see if there is mutual interest and if there is a basis for future contact, nothing more. Don’t overload the other person with information or make him or her feel as if it is an interrogation. Be friendly, show interest, and be to the point.
It should be light, fun, and show interest in the other person.

Finding your eternal companion...
You are not on TrueLDS to zone in that one person you think is your eternal companion. Introduce yourself to as many LDS singles as you can. The huge benefit of online dating is that you can get in contact with lots of Christian singles easily and quickly, so don’t be too selective when choosing people to write to! While conversing on TrueLDS, you will start to discover whom you might like to talk to on the phone, go on a date with face to face, and eventually get to know better, perhaps leading to eternal marriage.
Do not be too selective too early on! Keep it real and talk to lots of LDS singles
- you just never know!
- you just never know!
Meeting your date face to face.

LDS Online dating is great for that initial contact, but not for really getting to know your LDS date. You simply don’t truly get to know other LDS singles online or on the phone. TrueLDS recommends not waiting longer than 2 or 3 weeks before meeting your LDS date face to face. If you wait longer than this, you are more likely to create a romanticized image of the person in your mind. A study into online dating conducted by the This is not to say that you should not use your common sense nor be concerned about your safety (see our article on online dating safety). But when postponing meeting an online date face to face, you run the risk of creating a mental image of the person that is based on fantasy and not on the actual, real life person.
- Nov 17, 2019