Attract other LDS singles. 7 powerful Tips for an Irresistible Online LDS Dating Profile.
LDS online dating, an introduction.
Online dating is more mainstream than ever among LDS singles. A successful date starts with a good online dating profile.
The key to getting in contact with other single Mormons online is a great profile. To start, a good online dating profile should be complete with pictures.
Fact, LDS online dating profiles without pictures and text get almost zero attention. As a matter of fact, TrueLDS purges profiles that are incomplete, but apart from having a complete online LDS dating profile, your profile should show the real you because there are too many generic LDS dating profiles out there. An innumerable amount of single Mormons have in their online dating profile:
‘I love to eat.’
‘I love the outdoors.’
‘I love to have fun.’
Or it’s reversed form: ‘I am fun loving
‘I have a testimony, I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is true.’
‘I would like to date someone who is kind and honest.’
These descriptions are so general that they could apply to pretty much any single Latter-Day Saint or one of God’s 7.5 billion children on this earth.

Who does not love to eat? Have fun? Or which active member of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints does not know it is true? Who wants to date someone who is mean and dishonest?
Yet many LDS online dating profiles are full of these generic descriptions , that could apply to any single Mormon and that do not describe the real you!
Many LDS online daters are just trying to blend in and get as many messages as possible, but remember that you are here only for that one special priesthood holder or worthy sister: You are not on TrueLDS to be liked by everyone.
Your LDS dating profile should articulate clearly what is unique and admirable about you.
Your LDS online dating profile should communicate clearly what exactly makes you fun and interesting and worthy of a date. If you area able to do that you are much more likely to find an LDS date.
With online dating, there are some very real do’s and don’ts. To help you navigate these, this article will help you get stared in making a great online LDS dating profile.
1. Present yourself to other LDS singles.
Your profile should give other LDS singles on TrueLDS a glimpse of what you are about, whether or not you fit into their lives. It is therefore important that you highlight certain basic facts about your life in a positive and light manner.
The emphasis is on the words: facts, glimpse, positive and light.
1.) Facts, focus on the actual reality of your life as a single Latter-Day Saint. Not on your hopes and dreams, unless you actively pursue them. Be specific on what is actually going on in your life.
2.) A glimpse, a snippet, a teaser, and an appetizer of your life: Not an essay. Be concise and share what qualities you have. Why would someone want to steal your heart?
3.) Positive, everyone has trials in life, however this is an LDS dating site: It is not the place to talk about your problems. Our Saviour is always looking for the good in people, so make sure that you emphasize what is good and praiseworthy about you.
4.) Light, do not go super in-depth about your preferences, likes or dislikes. Maybe you cannot stand giving talks in church. Maybe you have a phobia of spiders. Maybe you spend 12 hours a day in front of a computer. Leave it out or phrase it in a more positive way.

2. Just Say Hello to other LDSsingles!
Your LDS online dating profile is just a way to say, ‘hey hello, how are you?’ to other LDS singles. It gives you a chance to spark that initial interest in other LDS singles.
You would probably not share everything about yourself with someone you just met at a church dance, so don’t do it on an LDS dating site either; keep it light.
3. A great LDS online dating profile, the easy way.
A great way to write an LDS online dating profile is to ask some of your friends what they think you should include in your online dating profile. Tell your friends that you want a profile that is based on facts and the real you. One that is positive, concise and attractive. Ask your friends to describe you. What kind of partner do they think would fit into your life?
This does not mean that your friends are going to dictate what you should put into your LDS online dating profile, but your friends could give you inspiration, as we often take our own qualities for granted.
In any case, it is always a good idea to have someone else proofread your online dating profile before posting it on TrueLDS.
4. An LDS dating profile that attracts Mormon singles:
TrueLDS online dating profiles are into three text sections, namely:
• About me.
• Who I'd Like to Meet.
• How I feel about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Here are some examples of what you could write in your LDS online dating profile:
About me.
What do you do on a day-to-day basis? Do you, for example, work? Study? Stay at home? Are you retired? If you work, you could say that you work as a nurse and could also mention one or two things that you like about being a nurse.
However, do not complain about the fact that you work long shifts or that you spend 10 hours a day in front of a computer.
Always keep it positive and light!

What do you do for fun? Do you have any hobbies, interests or sports that you are into? If you like to read, mention your favourite authors and books. If you like to cook, mention some of your specialty dishes. If you travel, what are some of your favourite destinations? If you play sports, how often do you play? What are some of your favourite bands or TV shows?
Be careful not to come across as overly zealous with your past time activities. Don’t say that you are a bookworm or spend hours on the Play station.
Avoid clichés such as I love to sit in front of the fireplace, walk hand in hand on the beach, or I love the outdoors. If you, for example, are an outdoors person, describe what it is that you like doing outdoors.
Be factual and base your profile on reality, not on things that you would like to do, but on what you actually do on a regular basis.
Living situation. Do you live alone, with your parents, kids, never married or divorced, how about pets? Remember to keep it light and brief. Even if you have had a painful divorce, don’t mention it at this stage. Just say that you are divorced.
Who I'd Like to Meet.
This is an import and often times overlooked section. What are you looking for in an LDS date or future relationship? What attracts you in someone?
It is important to communicate who you are looking for without being off-putting. Try to focus on character traits and not on qualifications, attributes and possessions.
Focussing on qualifications, attributes and possessions instead of on character traits can make you look superficial and arrogant.
Don’t say that you want a returned missionary, a homeowner with a huge Mercedes, or a stable job that earns at least six figures. Instead say that you would like someone self reliant with a healthy work attitude and who loves the gospel.
You could mention that keeping fit is important to you and that you are looking for LDS singles that take their health seriously. Do not mention that you are looking for a muscular single Latter-Day saint that is at least 6 foot 2.
You could mention that you are looking for a worthy and active single member of the Church who loves the gospel. Don’t mention that you are looking for someone that has a calling, has a temple recommend and is not addicted to pornography.

Some people do not want to date someone who is already sealed in the temple to someone else. Some people are looking to date someone from a specific geographical area, age group or background. Others might want to date someone with or without children. You should be extremely careful with mentioning what you don’t want in a potential LDS online date, as it can offend or alienate others.
Your LDS online dating profile should show whom you are looking for, but while also being open to meeting new LDS singles. Don’t narrow the ‘whom I’d like to meet’ section down so much that your dream LDS date passes by you.
How I feel about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Most LDS singles on TrueLDS like going to church and know that the church is true, have a testimony of the restoration, and know that the Book of Mormon is true. What is much more interesting to your future LDS date are your own experiences with the gospel. For example, when did you join the The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints? What is your conversion story? Did you serve a mission? What is (was) you favourite calling or assignment in the church? What do you think about the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints as a whole?
The bottom line is your Mormon match is looking for you. Make sure that single Mormons interested in you can find you by showing who you are through what you write and show. Pretty much all LDS singles on TrueLDS have a testimony of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints or enjoys spending time outdoors and with family. Be more specific than that!
5. Post amazing photos of yourself.
Your profile picture is an equally and utterly important part of your LDS dating profile. Here are some tips on uploading a great profile photo.
Make sure that the photo is of you and you only! Too often, our LDS singles upload photos that have other people in them as well. This makes it unclear as to which one you actually are. You are here on TrueLDS to make other Mormon singles fall in love with you, not with your sister, friend, dog, cat or uncle.
Post a picture of your face and upper torso. In search results, your photo will be shrunk to the size of a small thumbnail. If you post a picture of your whole body or worse of you in a landscape: Your head will be shrunk to the size of a few unrecognizable pixels and some single Mormons will pass by your profile.

‘Your profile picture is an equally and utterly important part of your LDS dating profile.’
A natural picture of you gives the best impression. Do not use photos that are modified (photo shopped) or with excessive make-up they can make you look like a plastic fantastic Barbie doll. Don’t wear clothes that draw lots of attention or cover your body in such a way that your body has lost all of its shape, such as a thick winter coat that makes you like a Michelin man. Things that cover your face such as hats, caps and sunglasses are also a bad idea. Finally don’t use black and white photos or pictures that have been taken at strange angles.
Try to wear neutral clothing and use a neutral background: You want the attention to be on you, not on the wall, temple, statue, landscape or the car that you are posing with.
This is a great tutorial on how to take pictures of yourself. Members of the church did not make it, but nonetheless, it has great advice for single Mormons.
6. LDS dating Do’s and Don’ts
The only hard and fast rule when it comes to LDS online dating is that you should upload a profile picture and write something. Even if your picture barely shows your face and your blurb is so short and general that it could be any other single Mormon. The simple fact is that LDS singles with a picture (any picture) and some text get dates on TrueLDS.
However no writings and no picture will also get you no attention. The only real mistake that you can make on TrueLDS is writing nothing and uploading no picture! TrueLDS therefore also remove online LDS dating profiles that do not have these.
Shy Mormon singles.
Do not ever mention in your profile or in messages that you are shy, apprehensive or not sure about LDS online dating. You might be unsure about online dating, but don’t write about it. It makes other Mormon singles wonder what you are doing on TrueLDS in the first place, but instead, exchange a few messages and then mention that you are a little shy and that you might need a little more time.
General statements.
Some profiles are so general, that they could apply to anyone.
Example profile: I am fun loving (btw, did you know that I love to have fun....), enjoy spending time outdoors and with my family.
I like eating good food and travelling. I would like to meet that one special Latter-Day Saint to whom I can be sealed in the temple and spend the rest of time and eternity with...
I know that the church is true. I like trying new things. ‘
This could be applied to 90% of all active, single Latter-Day saints. The only thing that this online dating profile reveals is, that the person is single, Mormon and active in the church.
Be specific. What sets you apart? What do you like doing in the outdoors? How often do you do that? What do you with your family? What exactly do you do to relax? What do Joseph Smith and the restoration mean to you? What is your favourite food? Where have you travelled? Describe your daily routine. Do you work? Are you a stay at home mom? Do you study? What are some of your goals and ambitions? What is your current living situation?
As mentioned previously, base your LDS online dating profile on facts, things you actually do. Don’t try to blend in to point that you could be any other single Mormon.

7.Use positive language.
Never use aggressive or rude language such as: ‘DO NOT WRITE me If you are not at least 6 feet 2’, ‘Don’t bother contacting me if you cannot treat me like a princess.’ This kind of language just turns other Mormon singles off, even if they meet your criteria.
Other LDS singles on TrueLDS, have to make a quick judgement on whether to approach you or not when glancing over your profile. Coming off very strong, opinionated or even aggressive sends out the wrong message and does not make other LDS singles want to look at your online dating profile. Remember to keep it light and positive.
Sociable hobbies.
OK so you might be hard-core into crocheting the statue of liberty, pirate Lego at the age of 53, model engineering, garden gnomes, reloading your own ammo, genealogy back to Adam, collecting soil samples from all 50 states, maybe watched all Lakers games, have 132 cats living in your home or have all Star Wars collectables.
Mentioning that you have certain interests is a great thing to do, but be careful to not come across as a fanatic towards other LDS singles. You are not on TrueLDS to talk about your hobbies, but to give other LDS singles a positive glimpse of what you are like. Going into too much depth with regards to your interests is not a smart move, as it can make you seem eccentric. Instead, keep it light. It is sufficient to mention that you enjoy target shooting, not that you reload your own ammo. That you like crafts, not that you spend hours a day scrap booking. If you have done 15 generations of family history, just say that you enjoy doing genealogy.
The key is to come across as a balanced and approachable person who fits into the life of someone else. Not someone that is so stuck in their own world that they do not have time nor space for others.

8.Avoid negativity.
And last, but most important of all: Do not put anything negative into your profile. Few people will want to date a Negative Nelly. Would you put anything negative into your professional resume? Anything that would not make you get a job? Likewise, do not put anything into your LDS online dating profile that would not make you get a date! Everyone has trouble in life and everyone has negative points, but you are on this LDS dating site to present yourself as well as you possibly can to a potential date by showing what your great qualities are. Show yourself from your best side, be a Polly Positive!
- Nov 15, 2019